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InConnect Service-023637

InConnect Service

InHand Device Manager
Manage, Configure and Control Your InHand Devices

With a visualization user interface and simple operation steps, the Device
Manager platform enables you to manage and monitor InHand’s hardware
devices, such as routers and gateways with convenience. It can quickly
integrate devices and manage them with just a few clicks. The cloud
deployment delivers easy-to-use experience, allowing you to focus on your core business and empowering your growth.

Download Specifications

Highly-efficient Device Management
  • - With rich functions for device management, the Device Manager works well in various scenarios

  • - Manages InHand’s distributed hardware devices without the need to travel, saves time and labor

  • - Multi-role access to data, efficient coordination of IT and OT staff anywhere

Features and Advantages

Centralized management,
batch maintenance

Centrally manages device asset information, firmware and configuration, python apps, etc.; manages devices in batches based on needs

Device location tracking

Tracks devices’ location in real time with GPS or the base station’s location system; custom static positions for easy management

Remote maintenance,
free from travel

With self-built remote maintenance
tunnels for multiple protocols,
accesses to devices connected to the
routers at any time anywhere, diagnoses and maintains your business devices at home

Mass device maintenance
with a few steps

Batch operation via the platform on firmware upgrade and configuration update, thousands of devices managed with a few simple steps

Data visualization

Vast amounts of device data are shown in dashboards, easy for you to quickly acquire key information and respond immediately

Mature architecture,
secure transmission

With CA authentication, data encryption,
user verification and access control, the platform and devices integrate multiple security control technologies, ensures highly secure networks
and data transmission