Working closely with world's leading manufacturers, Alvasta provide high quality industrial networking products for system integrators and value added resellers.
We provide a platform to integrate data acquisition, industrial process and control, and communication as one complete system.
Alvasta is dedicated to offer full range of services provided by its technically trained sales force and react quickly to customers request.
Enabled Coverge Networks.
Jakarta Office
PT Alvasta Teknologi
Jl. Peta Selatan, RT.010/RW.001,
Rukan Citi Square C-8,
Kalideres, Jakarta Barat 11840
Phone: +62 21 2205 2205
Mobile: +62 819 7716 8000
Surabaya Branch Office
Jalan Gayungsari Barat 9 No. 5
Kecamatan Gayungan
Surabaya 60235
Phone : +62 31-3000 5560
Singapore Branch Office
Netronics International Pte Ltd
1 Irving Place #07-10, The Commerze @Irving
Phone: +65 93711655