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Encoders and Decoders

Encoders and Decoders

Video encoders and decoders to combine analog CCTV with IP surveillance.

Integrate your analog cameras with modern network devices by using ACTi video encoders. You will get many benefits of IP video surveillance and an easy way to upscale your solution by adding more network cameras, video recorders, access control, point of sale and much more.

A video encoder converts the analog signal from an analog camera into digital stream that is transmitted over LAN, WAN and other types of IP networks. Unlike analog signal, the quality of digital stream doesn't degrade with increasing distance and can be encrypted for even greater security.

ACTi is offering video encoders designed for commercial use with regular operating temperature range and for industrial use with extended temperature range. Selected models support many advanced features, for instance, motion detection, PTZ control via serial port, edge storage on user-installed memory card and audio transmission. They can be accessed and managed from variety of remote clients - NVR 3 Workstation, Mobile Client or CMS 2.

Video Encoders

Integrate your analog cameras with modern network devices by using ACTi video encoders. You will get many benefits of IP video surveillance and an easy way to upscale your solution by adding more network cameras, video recorders, access control, point of sale and much more.

A video encoder converts the analog signal from an analog camera into digital stream that is transmitted over LAN, WAN and other types of IP networks. Unlike analog signal, the quality of digital stream doesn't degrade with increasing distance and can be encrypted for even greater security.

ACTi is offering video encoders designed for commercial use with regular operating temperature range and for industrial use with extended temperature range. Selected models support many advanced features, for instance, motion detection, PTZ control via serial port, edge storage on user-installed memory card and audio transmission. They can be accessed and managed from variety of remote clients - NVR 3 Workstation, Mobile Client or CMS 2.


Mini Video Encoder

Standard Video Encoder

Rackmount Video Encoder

1 channelV11V21
4 channels V23
8 channels 
16 channels 

Video Decoder (Media Display Station)

A media display station capable of video decoding receives digital video streams from cameras and encoders in the IP network and decodes them into video and audio that can be displayed on any screen connected by HDMI or coaxial cable. Among many other benefits, the media display station doesn't use computing power and video output ports of the NVR.

The common application is in a retail store where the owner uses TV panels to publicly demonstrate that the venue is under video surveillance. At the same time, ACTi media display station opens completely new range of possibilities for retail owners to learn how you can increase revenues with ACTi digital signage.


Local: up to 2MP; Remote: up to12MP, Video Decoder
Local: up to 2MP; Remote: up to12MP, Video Decoder
Local: up to 2MP; Remote: up to12MP, Video Decoder
Support all ACTi cameras in all resolutions, Video Decoder
Video Encoder
Video Encoder
Rackmount Video Encoder
Rackmount Video Encoder

Encoders and Decoders