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Phone :   62 21-2205 2205 Mobile :  62 819 7716 8000

Hotspot Web Portal

Hotspot Web Portal

Wi-Fi Marketing

Redirect the hotspot guests to the company homepage, online surveys, or display promotion message.

Display Terms-of-Use

Show the visitors the policy to use the Wi-Fi service and ask them to agree by clicking-through.

Grow Your Email List

Require the guest to leave contact info or social media accounts before they can use the Internet service.

Why DrayTek Hotspot?

Various Authentication Type

DrayTek Hotspot supports a variety of login methods to meet your
"business need, including Facebook Login, Google Login, SMS PIN,
Voucher PIN, and RADIUS.

3rd-Party Service Compliant

DrayTek Hotspot also supports external captive portal authentication.
You can keep using the Wi-Fi marketing solution you like.

Quota Management

Bandwidth management was integrated into Hotspot to control the
bandwidth and session usage of the Hotspot guests.

Per Subnet/SSID Policy

Each router can have up to 4 profiles with different authentication and
landing page settings, and you can apply each of them to only the
selected LAN subnets or SSID.

Server Bypassing

Whitelist rules can be set up for specific NAT Rules, destination domains,
IP, or ports, and source IP to bypass the captive portal. It won't affect the local services.