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Phone :   62 21-2205 2205 Mobile :  62 819 7716 8000



Making Remote Access Easy

No Static IP? No problem. Use a hostname of your choice to access the router and provide easy-to-remember VPN server settings.

Multiple A Records

You can have multiple IP addresses for your DrayDDNS domain. Multi-WAN router will update all WAN IPs automatically.

Zero Cost

Each DrayTek router can apply for one DrayDDNS hostname. It's free, and you only need to renew once a year.

Obtain a Trusted Certificate for Your Hostname Painlessly

Since firmware version 3.9.0, DrayTek routers add the support for Let's Encrypt - the open
certificate authority. By turning on the service, the router will interact with Let's Encrypt
and automatically obtain a browser-trusted SSL/TLS certificate for your DrayDDNS
hostname, which can provide a more secure connection for your VPN and hotspot clients.